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We’re looking at ways to help glue the planet back together a bit. Most of us know the basics: buying those smart lightbulbs, keeping chargers out of sockets. Now we’re going to work to make those into actual habits.

“For in him all things were created: things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities; all things have been created through him and for him.” (Colossians 1:16 NIV)

When was the last time you made a change and stuck to it? Maybe your new year’s resolutions have already been long forgotten, packed up in the box with the tinsel?

A few years ago I decided to make one change for good a month. The question that prompted the decision was ‘How am I loving God’s creation and people well?’

So I decided to make changes that would enable me to live more ethically and simply, changes that would help me love the world God created. They say it takes six weeks to make a habit so I figured introducing one change a month gave me a chance of actually making lasting change. Also one thing a month seemed slightly more manageable than trying to change everything all at once!

I started by changing my shampoo. A small change but once I really looked into what was lurking in my regular bottle I was convinced of the difference I was making. Since then I’ve changed my energy supplier, started buying locally produced milk and learnt lots more about the wine I choose. I’ve changed which shops I buy clothes from, what baby wipes I use and even reviewed my excessive cotton wool usage!

Making one change a month has enabled me to create lasting habits – habits which are now part of my daily life. It’s been said that ‘how we spend our days is, of course, how we spend our lives’ (Annie Dillard). Small changes add up, they make a difference, they have the potential to be world changing.

I started my journey with a big question – on the face of it, quite overwhelming. But with each small change I make and habit I pursue I know I’m edging closer to answering that question.


Green: Get some steps in – leave the car at home and chose to walk today.

Yellow: Buy local – Can you buy locally this week? Milk, bread, eggs or beer! Have a look as to what local suppliers you could support.

Red: Curb the consumption – how about opting to stop buying clothes, or coffee, or even anything new between now and the end of Lent?


Contributed by Bryony Wells - Bryony is part of the leadership team at St Thomas Crookes, an Anglican/Baptism church in Sheffield. She is married to Rich and has two small children. She really enjoys living on the edge of the Peak District but misses the sea (and the East Coast fish and chips that come with it!). Bryony loves writing and speaking about living more ethical, simple and intentional lives.