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The word "Revolutionary" means: involving or causing a complete or dramatic change.  You might be a little jaded when you hear that word because most often it doesn't refer to something like the wheel, penicillin, the lightbulb, the compass or the personal computer - all of which were revolutionary.  Most often what is being advertised is just "new and improved!"

“Revolutionary” refers to what Jesus did that initiated an end to one way of relating to God and the beginning of something entirely new.  Not just an improved way of relating to God or religion 2.0 but something completely revolutionary!   

In this series we’re going to look at what Jesus did and the whole nature of who and what “church” is and it will be great for you or someone you may know if you're skeptical of church or Christianity … or if you wonder where you “fit” as part of church … or if you wonder how Jesus’ irresistible church can become so boring and resistible … or if there's sometimes more guilt than freedom in the way you relate to God … and if deep down you long for the overwhelming and amazing and everlasting and compassionate and incomparable and indescribable and patient and abundant and communal and freeing and irresistible love of God.

Hope that intrigues you and whets your appetite a bit!  We'll look forward to gathering on Sunday morning's and if you can’t be there in person - we hope you can connect online!

Click here if you missed a week and want to catch up on previous teachings in this series