Every mess we experience come with some bad options that look good because they seem to offer a quick fix to clean up the mess.  Getting back at the person who wronged you, lashing out, taking risky gambles—but they often make messes worse. Doing the honourable or right thing is much more difficult. It doesn’t offer quick, simple fixes. But it results in a story worth telling, a story that glorifies God. That’s because doing the right thing begins with following Jesus.

When you’re in the middle of a mess, you’ll be tempted to make that mess worse. Remember that when you look back on that season of life, the real story won’t be the mess - it’ll be how you responded to the mess. Taking matters into your own hands may seem like the quickest fix, but Jesus asks you to follow him. If you choose to do so, he’ll write a story in you and through you that is bigger than any mess.