
In every agreement or contract you enter into there’s the Big Promise or the Benefits and then way down at the bottom or the last page there’s the Fine Print - it's often microscopic!  Those are the words that spell out the actual costs of the commitment you're making.  Some companies have fun with the Fine Print - one streaming service includes a receipe for Chocolate Cake in section 9 of their Fine Print!  Most use the Fine Print to protect themselves.

Jesus was very open and honest about what following Him would mean and as many have discovered and as everyone eventually discovers at some point along the journey of following Jesus - it’s going to cost you something. There is a price to pay to follow Jesus.

And it's in that moment or moments that you discover whose you really are - you discover if you’re a follower or a consumer.  This week we're listening in on a conversation where Jesus outlined the Fine Print when He said Follow Me but also opened up some ultimate questions for us to wrestle with - about what we really value and how much that is worth to us.