A few years ago my wife and I took Dance lessons (she didn't need any but I sure did!) and I wasn't so much out of rhythm as I realized I never had any rhythm to be in - to start with!  I totally agree with Duke Ellington when he was asked to define "Rhythm" he said - "If you got it - you don't need no definition and if you don't got it - ain't no definition gonna help you!"

Dancing defintely requires a special rhythm and for some - it's just soooo awkward to get it - but this morning we’re going to finish the last week of our Big G Gospel series talking about normal everyday rhythms of life.  

Sometimes we make following Jesus so awkward because we make it less about a relationship and more about "doing" and then it becomes abnormal.  Living out our Gospel Identity as we follow Jesus does not need to be a big, long, new list of activities that we need to jam into our already busy schedules, it’s really a matter of noticing the everyday rhythms of life that we already live in and shifting from thinking “additional” to being more “intentional” with all of life.

As The Gospel increasingly informs our perspectives and priorities, then we become good news to everyone; a living proclamation and display of the God we love and His kingdom. And that’s... Good News!