Summer Video Series: Love In Chaos

“God never said He’d eliminate all the Chaos from our lives ... He just said He’d bring meaning to it" - Bob Goff

We don’t have to look far to see division in our world. And it's easy to get confused, angry, and disillusioned by all the chaos we’re experiencing.  But the good news is that with chaos also comes opportunity!   So how can Christians respond to the chaos? What does it look like to live faithfully in these strange and challenging times?

This summer during our Sunday morning gatherings we're going to join bestselling author Bob Goff on another joy journey as Bob helps us explore these questions.  

Let's journey together as we learn what it looks like to follow Jesus and obey His greatest command - to love ... even in a time of chaos.

If you would like the follow up material or if you missed one of the episodes - click on the week you'd like to see