There is a difference between Knowledge and Wisdom ... someone once said that knowledge is knowing that a tomato is a fruit and wisdom is knowing not to put it in a fruit salad!

Knowing one’s place in the Christmas story is another aspect worth consideration when it comes to the glory of Christmas.

The centerpiece of every Nativity scene is the Christ-child in the manger. Everyone else is around the outside -  Nobody has a Nativity scene where the wisemen take the focal point. 

At Christmas we celebrate the "incarnation" of God.  Incarnation meaning God chose to "put flesh on" in the form of a fully human child and moved into our neighbourhood of planet earth so that all humanity could know Him and have relationship with Him.

We may inadvertently, or perhaps intentionally, live as if the story of life revolves around our self as the main character.  Christmas gives us an opportunity to reframe what and who truly is central to the story of life: Jesus.  The Wisemen who visited Jesus show us a significant move we can make when they reoriented their time, energy, and efforts from what they were concentrated on and took a humble posture of worshiping Jesus and offering Him gifts in the process.